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work together

TRI Thinking Research Instruments is a young technology company from Hamburg, Germany. Our customer-oriented software and hardware platforms enable user-trainable artificial intelligence in medical research.

Our customers are innovative companies and research institutions from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors who are on the hunt for novel therapies or scientific breakthroughs. Together with these demanding professionals, we are working on the future of modern personalized medicine. TRI offers hardware and AI software solutions for researchers who want to achieve these lofty goals quickly and efficiently with compelling data.

Current open positions

Would you like to help us with:

  • our market research,
  • marketing content generation,
  • customer communications,
  • our presence at conferences and trade fairs? 


Great! This is what we offer in return: 

  • you do and learn something different every day,
  • working with highly trained, team-oriented colleagues,
  • with plenty of space for your ideas,
  • for a competitive remuneration,
  • with awesome products in an exciting industry.


This is what will qualify you for the job: 

  • some experience in sales,
  • a passion for understanding and helping people (by selling our products),
  • excellent German and English, 
  • something in your experience or background that we don’t have in our team, yet. We’re actively looking for that.


This is the short version. Find the complete version (in German) here.

Unsolicited application

Even if you don’t currently find a job opening that suits you, we welcome your unsolicited application.